Note: Ang & Crabs are proud to announce that this is the first post which includes the whit and wisdom of our new intern, Jason.
Facts: I'm no Mayan, but if I was, I would be shitting my loincloth right now, for as a Mayan in the know, I would be privy to the end of the world as we know it, which just happens to be in two years, so get ready. Late in the fall of 1952, Professor Indiana Jones and a small but loyal cadre of associates (including Nicolas Cage; okay, John Cusack) were exploring an isolated set of ruins in the Yucatan peninsula and discovered something so devastating that it took 57 years to come to fruition. In a small nook at the heart of a blood-stained temple, Dr. Jones et al found the screenplay for 2012. Released in the go-go year of 2009 (as in go-go to the unemployment office), 2012 would prove to be the emotional salve unifying a distraught nation and providing the impetus for the economic recovery and prosperity that we are enjoying to this day. Starring John "Nicolas Case" Cusack, Woody "I'm Playing Myself" Harrelson, Amanda "When You Can't Afford Any Other Talent" Peet, Danny "I've Really Sunk to a New Low" Glover, and Thandie "Backless Beyonce" Newton. And a host of other Julliard junkies (all non-union).
Plot summary: In 2008, scientists in Bollywood discover a pool of boiling water two miles under the earth in a coal mine. This proverbial "canary" is a neutrino detection device that shows massive solar flares are bombarding the earth with neutrinos. The world's sole black scientist is on the case, however. Four years in the future, Nicolas Cage (Cusack) is a limo driver and gigantic failure of a father and an author who takes his kids camping in Yellowstone National Park, where he meets batshit crazy radio host Charlie (Harrelson) and discovers that the earth is literally about to explode. His ex-wife (Peet) and her shmuck of a boyfriend (some guy) join him on his quest to escape certain death. Oh, and they meet up with an insufferable Russian billionaire and his trophy girlfriend, with his bratty twins in tow. Trust us, you don't care about a single one of those people. Cue two hours of disaster porn and an ending straight out of a script writing for dummies book.
Key moments of interest:
Cue exploding solar flares. (straight out of Galaga, circa 1980).
The sun is menacing us from afar. (For years man has yearned to destroy the sun...)
India's hot, but this is ridiculous! (Ouch!)
(Our science advisor, Dr. John, decided to leave the movie after about five minutes.)
A scientist goes to the ball to talk to the president, but shockingly, no one believes him.
Thirsty anyone? Dr. Anheiser, the president's douche-baggy advisor, is eventually persuaded.
(After less than a minute of convincing, the scientist is our world's most important person. He's subsequently shipped off to a briefing session.)
Character development:
Jackson Curtis (Cage/Cusack) is estranged from his ex-wife and kids. His son hates him (with good reason) and his daughter still wets the bed. (Dysfunctional family alert, number 1!).
He also thinks a limo is a good vehicle for camping.
Jackson takes his kids to Yellowstone to show them his and his wife's make-out spot (what?). He also happens to have written a book about the end of the world, panned for its optimistic and happy ending. Foreshadowing rocks!
There they meet Charlie (Harrelson) in the forest/Ground Zero. Charlie is full of gems, including flash animation prophesying the end of the world.
He also tells Jackson that the government is building spaceships, the location of which he just happens to have lying around. These maps will not be important later...
Back in Yuppie Town, the earth (evidenced by a grocery store) is splitting in two, and mom Kate demands the return of her kids.
At some point we're introduced to a lovable odd couple on some random cruise ship, the members of a godawful jazz duo.
The second Jackson returns to California (to pick up his kids, and for some reason, his ex-wife and her boyfriend) the earth begins to crumble.
Cue half an hour of limo jumping and wreckage. This dude should be driving for NASCAR.
The limo drives through buildings, under buildings, over buildings, and through freakin' time.
Much to the delight of everyone outside of California, California falls into the ocean.
The only people to escape are the morons in the limo, because it just so happens that Kate's boyfriend is a pilot (sort of).
Now that the world is literally falling to bits, where should we go? Back to Yellowstone!
After random chicanery involving an RV, Jackson obtains a map containing the locations of the spaceships. He nearly falls into the center of the earth, blah blah.
In the only scene worth watching in the movie, Yellowstone explodes just as our intrepid heroes fly away in their stolen plane.
Cue superfluous, non-special effects laden dialogue in Washington, DC.
The world's only black scientist turns out to be in disgrace because his timeline is a bit off.
Turns out the world is ending a bit earlier than expected.
They upgrade their crappy plane, by way of the Russian billionaire (who's watching a boxing match while the world burns).
Unfortunately, his girlfriend and stupid kids come along too.
One of our jazz duo is the father of the aforementioned scientist, and they have one last conversation before a tsunami hits the cruise ship.
For some reason, the newly-acquired jumbo jet is full of cars (none of which will come in handy, of course).
This is your captain speaking. Our stop in Hawaii has been delayed due to the fact that the entire island is on fire.
Next stop: China, the savior of humanity.
Ze plane has no ze landing gear. We have to land ze plane on ze glacier, comrade.
Instructions for exiting plane on glacier: step one, get in sports car; step two, bounce on ice; step three: drive sports car out of plane; step four, watch plane fall off of cliff, killing Russian pilot (who happened to be giving the ole party line to...oh, who cares?).
In turns out humanity's grand plan to save itself involves building a series of giant boats that will presumably float on the thousand-mile high tidal wave coming at them.
Why they didn't bother to simply build an underground vault is a matter for debate and military contractors' budgets.
(At this point in time our science advisor was found in a corner loading bullets into a revolver and had to be restrained for his own safety.)
However, there is not enough room in the arks for all rich people, and thus begins a ham-fisted morality play about including everything. Our Russian billionaire thankfully dies.
Note: When designing a humanity-saving ark, an important safety feature is to make sure the engines cannot start until all doors are closed.
This leads to another tiresome twenty-minute subplot about closing the door. (Yes, really.)
Jackson is part humpback whale, because he can hold his breath for, like, 20 minutes.
This is apparently a genetic trait, because his son, who loves him all of a sudden, can do it to.
Report, Captain! Engines inoperative! Mount Everett looming!
Jackson saves the day and wins back his woman (after her boyfriend dies lubricating giant gears with his body).
Meanwhile, the scientist hooks up with the president's daughter (whose father goes down with the ship and is subsequently killed by one).
The scientist is promoted to the Secretary of Pimping.
Then humanity sails off into the sunset, bound to repopulate Africa.
Snarky movie discussion:
CRABS: A common lamentation these days is the decline in American schools of a science curriculum. Given the propensity of today's youth toward digital entertainment information, do you think 2012 and its esteemable science content, could be used as a supplement to traditional teaching methods?
JASON: 2012 includes many elements that appeal to modern youth, including chases, explosions, earthquakes, airplanes, cars, fake boobs (a major plot point), and Russians. As such, it is the perfect supplement to any science curriculum, and in fact should be put into a time capsule for future generations to enjoy should the Mayans' prediction turn out to be true.
CRABS: The disaster movie genre teaches us, among other things, that the surefire way to reconcile a dysfunctional and/or estranged family is through worldwide cataclysm. Do you foresee "disaster therapy" becoming a viable form of couples' counseling?
JASON: "Disaster therapy" works because disaster films, and the subsequent healing of families therein, is a metaphor for the healing of the human race via weeding out the weak. The human "family" always survives, even if it is one "Adam and Eve" couple, therefore, in this doctor's esteemed opinion, couples seeking counseling should first be forced to live through a global cataclysm (including, but not limited to floods, zombie attacks, nuclear war, and Kevin Costner movies).
(Note: our new intern, Jason, despite his delusions of grandeur, is not an actually a doctor of any kind.)
CRABS: Perhaps the most riveting sequence in the movie involves the eruption of the Yellowstone super-volcano. Given that this is a known and obvious threat, do you feel that FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security are doing enough to protect us against this imminent disaster? In particular, at what point in time would a pre-emptive nuclear strike against this subterranean menace be justified?
JASON: Human kind's greatest mistake was building the Large Hadron Collider 180 degrees across the planet from the Yellowstone super-volcano. This is evidence that FEMA is not doing nearly enough to protect us, and in fact is in cahoots with the aliens to encourage the volcano's eruption. A pre-emptive nuclear strike is therefore unlikely, as the government only wants to hasten our demise.
(You're doing a heckuva job, Jason.)
CRABS: I'd like to thank your intern for putting in a jolly good effort, and I just have one final question for him. If you were to survive a worldwide disaster, which disaster would it be? And also, what would your stereotypical role be?
JASON: I would choose a killer plague because then there'd just be a lot of shit lying around that I could pick up and do things with. And it would be my responsibility to repopulate w the earth, with my wife who would have also survived. Because we have shared immunity, which I acquired when I was a firefighter on the International Space Station.
For next time: Leprechaun 4: In Space. There better be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Maybe we can get Jennifer Aniston to guest-blog with us.
Rating: seven and a half sticks in the eye (and a 2.6 on the Richter Scale of Atrocity).
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